Wednesday 15 February 2006

What? No blogroll?

Yeah, yeah, stop tittering ~ I said BLOG-roll. Honestly, you lot…

OK (yes, I prefer “OK” in capitals. Why? Because I defend the position that it’s short for “au quai”, and therefore in my eyes stands for something. The same way I think SARS should be written “SARS” and not “Sars”. Yes, South China Morning Post, I’m talking to you…), so I haven’t posted links on here ~ not really. Those lucky people who’ve been to my website (and I know who you are ~ my website is one of the most innocuous-looking yet devilishly sophisticated web creations known to man, capable of recording your very desktop icons if it chooses, BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAA! Actually? No, it can’t. I’m lying again. It’s boring here, alright? I need something to amuse me, and I’m sorry, but Big Bond-Villain Laughs do it for me every time. Anyway, where was I?)… er, my website, yes…

…those of you who have been to my website know I’m obsessed, that’s fair enough. You also know that there’s a lovely LINKS PAGE that takes you to most of the cool sites I look at. But wait! This is just the websites ~ not the blogs I read… at least, not yet…

Yeah, I know, I should start a blogroll so all you lucky, lucky people can share in the delight of my nightly read ~ cos let’s face it, the TV’s not up to it, is it? But I won’t go on about English TV yet again. Suffice to say, it’s CRAP.

So when am I going to find the time to put a blogroll on here then? Erm, hold that thought. For now, I can tell you that there’s this REALLY COOL blog (in French) called Menoum! and it has literally tonnes of really cool links on it? Wait, do the French use “tonnes” or “tons”? Who cares anyway? I’m sure I couldn’t tell you, if I were buried under a pile of bricks, if it weighed 1 tonne or 1 ton. Anyway, right now this site has a link to the Honda advert now playing on English TV. It’s fab… trust Honda to write yet another really eye-catching (or should that be “ear-catching”?) advert for us to sit through.

I was flicking through Technorati and found this really informative site about Cantopop ~ it is in Chinese, but it’s great. He liked Aaron Kwok’s new Thematic album, so we like this site!! Yes, yes, I know, I read French, Chinese and English sites. Do you know why? Cos I’m a star, that’s why. Seriously, I think I may be a small gas giant about the size of Betelgeuse. Or is that cos of the waffles my sister just made me? You be the judge…

But be warned, I am watching and reading, and I’ll be adding YOUR blog to my brand spanking new blogroll just as soon as I can figure out how to do it… Leave it to me , I’ll sort it out myself, don’t fret.

There’s also a really good site about how evil (“Eeeevil!! Like fru-its of the devil!!”) the BBC are, but I’d best leave that to another time. Like when it’s not 3am and I’m waiting for a phone call… Don’t even ask what I’m doing up at 3am waiting for a phone call. Let’s just say, international calls are important. God I can’t wait to get back to my HK flat… It feels like I haven’t seen it (or a decent job) in a lifetime. Probably has been a lifetime and I just didn’t notice. Mind you, I’m Hell-bent on getting back before April 8th, cos Aaron Kwok’s first HK Film Awards nomination cannot be missed. He’s going to be all dressed up in his best tux (my guess is it’ll be Prada-made, LOL) and strutting around like a winner. Not that he doesn’t do that all the time, but you know.

Maybe I should give up and go to bed. It might stop my “panda-eyes” being quite so black. I swear, Dad nearly offered me a bamboo sandwich yesterday. Yeah, I think I should definitely go to bed now…

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