Power were off at work today, so were told to go into work two hours later than usual, when it would magically be restored. Routine maintenance, apparently. “
This is it!” I cried, “
now’s me chance to see ‘The Prestige’ before it closes!”
I went to the Palace IFC in Central, spent HK$59 on a ticket (members get a discount, dontchaknow), got meself a big bucket o salted popcorn and took me seat int back row. Fab.

I have to say, predictable it might have been, but the flourish and style were just incredible. I loved the moments where I went “oh shit! That means:” etc, and the wonderful, wonderful cinematography. David Bowie seemed to have quite a strange mix of accents going on, but nowt that hurt the story. Christian
“no-one can tell I’m actually Welsh” Bale can be me cheeky wee Cockney ont side anytime he likes, and Huge-Ackman were absolute class. Both of em were accent stars… I shan’t post any spoilers, cos there just might be a few people as haven’t seen it yet. Suffice to say, it were bloody ace and I’ll more’n likely be buying the DVD when it’s out. Michael Caine were fab as usual, and even Scarlet Johanson did a bang-up job (arf arf). Me mate saw it, said it were pants. He said he loved it while he were watching it, but afterwards when he tried to pin down just what he’d seen, he wont really sure. I argued that that were the whole point. It weren’t called ‘here’s how we did it’, ‘plot by numbers’ or ‘the butler dunnit’, it were called ‘The Prestige’ – the third act.
Anyway, apart from still thinking ‘
hmm, but then again, how did he…’ I’m pretty sorted, Prestige-wise. All I have to do now is look forward to Casino Royale and The Science of Sleep.
Awwww, ymenyn wouldn’t melt, is it?LATE EDIT:
If yer watching, you'll notice Hugh Jackman is left-handed. And that's reason enough to call him a superstar, LOL...Soopytwist.
The Prestige ~
Christopher Nolan ~
Memento ~
Christian Bale ~
Hugh Jackman ~
Michael Caine ~
Palace IFC ~
Hong Kong ~
Casino Royale ~
The Science of Sleep
Ooh, I forgot this was on at the flicks, may just go this weekend if I have time. Am looking forward to seeing Casino Royale, there is something about Daniel Craig...
Ukk, Daniel Craig. He must be wetting himself, thinking, "How did an ugly fucker and shit actor like me get to be Bond?" Bizarre. Well, the shit acting bit I can kind of understand, but... Not that I watch Bond films anyway.
Ey now then lad, lees of our lip! There's nowt wrong with a GOOD James Bond film... I'm just keeping me fingers crossed that this WILL be a good one...
Was sorry to see Pierce Brosnan go, but hey, he was getting too old for it...
too old to be 007? so what exactly is the best bond age then....arf arf:)
sorry, couldn't resist...
anyway, how'd you fancy coming round our place on Sunday? it's still not "ready" but it never will be, so don't let that stop you - Dave expressed an interest in coming over to Lamma, and you can invite 'Lil Chris too....let me know what's happening...call you later, Roger
Bowie any good in it?
Bowie's as good as he needs to be... But it were really odd to see him older, and not to thin int face, neither. Not that he's wide, he just int the thin bloke I remember.
He did a good job, all in all. No complaints.
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