Wednesday 12 May 2010


This will be on my Twitter from late tomorrow (Thursday), but just ahead of the Supernatural season five finale Friday (my time), here are my quite piss-taking Top Ten Fake Finale Episode Titles (non-spoilery - I have avoided all spoilers so far, and will continue to do so until such time as they cease to be spoilers and have shifted into ‘saw that bit!’ territory):

No. 10: 104 Not Out

No. 9: Bite My Ratings

No. 8: If Only We'd Known We'd Been Renewed When We Wrote This Episode

No. 7: Run, Crowley, Run!

No. 6: Reverse Evel Knievelling Over The Shark Tank

No. 5: Luci VS The 50ft Storyline

No. 4: Tell The Fat Lady She's On In 5

No. 3: If We Kill Off Another Character We Get A Free Set Of Steak Knives

No. 2: When Winchesters Attack

And the number one top fake episode title for the Supernatural season five finale episode is:

The Day The CW Stood Still

Heee! Here’s to a wham-bam-thank-you-DAMN! fine episode…

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