Monday 21 May 2018

Revengers Assemble: an Infinity War fix-it fic

Loki Tom Hiddleston - what have you done now?
I’ve actually done some writing. Amazing what some major blockbusters, a change of manager at work and a dearth of entertainment caused by the season finales of all your shows in the same week will do to you. Ladies, gentlemen, boths and neithers, I give you:

Title: Revengers Assemble

Rated T/Teen & Up for some naughty language, some violence and conduct unbecoming, revenge, fix-it fic, and hopefully some stabbings.

SPOILERS for Infinity War. Right after the opening salvo, a certain not-dead someone and a ragtag bunch of what's left of Asgard (and some gladiators) will have to stop Thanos. How hard could it be?

I do not own any Marvel characters, names, likenesses or the suggestion thereof. This is all for fun, not for profit. Unless you add me to any favourites lists or leave reviews/comments.

Linky-link-link: HERE at An Archive of Our Own under my name TozaBoma (because they don’t re-edit your stuff later) and HERE at Fanfiction dot net under my name Mardy Lass.

If you even visit the page, I thank you.

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