Wednesday 22 July 2020

Playlist alert

I’m in the middle of a Greent Hornet fanfic just now (based on the movie, not the series so much). Why the movie, you ask? Well I’ve done a whole thing about the difference between the show and the film, and I have to say I’m still a big fan of both, for different reasons.

Back in the day, I had a dedicated writing desk (actually a repurposed Mahjong table) and a comfy chair (called Michael) and I would get through a 50,000 word fanfic in a few weeks, spend the next two polishing and fixing it, and then the next month or so releasing it like curated salmon on a few fanfic repositories. When I moved back to the UK all that went away, and I struggled to do much writing at all. However, now I’m in a new flat things just feel different. Maybe it’s the apartment atmosphere, the small, controllable environment, the solo living or the extra time not spent commuting to and from work. Hey, maybe it’s all of those things. The important thing is, I’ve finished a fic I started over 2 years ago, and right now I’m pleased - nay, EXCITED - to be working on a new one. And I haven’t been excited about writing in a long time.

As usual I have required a playlist as quiet background music - choons to subconsciously align me with subject matter, with the chosen style, with the themes. However when I had this one going round and round, the volume would creep up and I found my head was bobbing along to the music as I typed - totally oblivious, of course.

Full disclosure; I had to wait 2 weeks for BT OpenReach to actually do their job and give me wi-fi at home, so during that time I was careful with my data usage. Basically, I moved from Spotify back to my iTunes library and in doing so found that I had billions of Jay Chou albums. Well, alright, it wasn’t billions - but it was over 160 tracks from him over the years. Putting that on shuffle for a week made me miss a lot of his earlier stuff (and the frivolous Sailor songs) so by the time this fic started forming in my head, it was always going to be about those albums on constant shuffle. Of course it doesn’t hurt that he was also Kato in the movie.

Here we go then - without further ado (because considering this post was supposed to be a playlist dump, there’s a lot of ado up to this point), here is the playlist, all by Jay Chou (周杰倫):

1. 雙載棍 (Nunchucks) from the album 范特西 (Fantasy), 2001 - also the second end credits song on the movie version of Green Hornet (at least where I saw it in Hong Kong)

2. 印地安老斑鳩 (Ancient Indian Turtledove) from the album 杰倫 (Jay), 2000 

3. 忍者 (Ninja) from the album 范特西 (Fantasy), 2001

4. 龍拳 (Dragon Fist) from the album 八度空間 (The Eight Dimensions), 2002

5. 半獸人 (Half Beast Half Human) from the album 八度空間 (The Eight Dimensions), 2002

6. 雙刀 (Double Blade) from the album 葉惠美 (Yeh Hui-Mei), 2003

7. 同一種調調 (Same Tone) from the album 葉惠美 (Yeh Hui-Mei), 2003 

8. 將軍 (Checkmate) from the album 七里香 (Common Jasmine Orange), 2004 

9. 霍元甲 (Fearless) from the EP 霍元甲 (Fearless), 2006

10. 陽光宅男 (Sunshine Nerd) from the album 我很忙 (On the Run!), 2007

11. 周大俠 (Master Chou) from the movie ‘Kung Fu Dunk’ (功夫灌籃) available as an extra track on the album 2007 世界巡迴演唱會 (2007 World Tour Concert) 

12. 魔術先生 (Magician) from the album 魔杰座 (Capricorn), 2008

13. 龍戰騎士 (Dragon Rider) from the album 魔杰座 (Capricorn), 2008

14. 免費教學錄影帶 (Free Tutorial Video) from the album 跨時代 (The Era), 2010

15. 公主病 (Princess Syndrome) from the album 驚嘆號 (Wow!), 2011

16. 驚嘆號 (Wow!) from the album 驚嘆號 (Wow!), 2011

17. 比較大的大提琴 (A Larger Cello) from the album 12新作 (Opus 12), 2012

18. 公公偏頭痛 (Eunuch With a Headache) from the album 12新作 (Opus 12), 2012

19. 水手怕水 (Sailor Afraid of Water) from the album 驚嘆號 (Wow!), 2011

20. 烏克麗麗 (Ukulele) from the album 12新作 (Opus 12), 2012

21. 大笨鐘 (Big Ben) from the album 12新作 (Opus 12), 2012

22. 陽眀山 (Yang Ming Mountain) from the album 哎呦,不錯哦 (Hey, Not Bad), 2014

23. 我要夏天 (I Want Summer) from the album 哎呦,不錯哦 (Hey, Not Bad), 2014

24. 說走就走 (Let’s Go) from the album 周杰倫的床邊故事 (Jay Chou’s Bedtime Stories), 2016

25. 英雄 (Hero) from the album 周杰倫的床邊故事 (Jay Chou’s Bedtime Stories), 2016

26. 土耳其冰𣾁淋 (Turkish Ice Cream) from the album 周杰倫的床邊故事 (Jay Chou’s Bedtime Stories), 2016

27. Now You See Me from the album 周杰倫的床邊故事 (Jay Chou’s Bedtime Stories), 2016

There we go. Seeing these written down makes me want to go listen to them all over again.

You know what? I think I will. That’s the beauty of being an adult; no-one can stop me.


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