But no. It’s just not meant to be. I’m not one o’ them people that fortune smiles on. You saw ‘Casino Royale’, right? When he’s trying to restart his heart in the Aston and is pressing that button like a mad bugger, until he realises one wire int plugged in? Yeah, that’s me. Welcome to my world. I’m the one as gets hit over ‘t head wi’ an apparently stray brick, only to find a fuck-off hyowj gas bill tied to it.
After checking all the local HK listings and findin’ no-one’s even heard of the film over here, I widen me search to all Chinese-language pages as including Sean Bean and The Hitcher (in Chinese: ‘西恩賓’ and ‘幽靈終結者2007’, respectively). First one as comes up publishes a release date of March 23rd.

Bugger, balls and bollocks, eh.
I’ll just have to amuse meself wi’ summat else. Er… Er… I think I still have the DVD of ‘Lady Chatterley’. And ‘Essex Boys’. Or I might just give up on the hope of getting’ any Sir Sean and just go fer ‘Batman Begins’ or praps even ‘Doctor Who’. Except I know it just won’t be same; just dunt fill the void like Sean does (although I bet the Tennster would, if popular belief is true).
That’s it then, I’m going to bed now. After I’ve got Timo Maas and Jarvis Cocker on me iPod right.
No peach and lube; you’ll have to make do wi’ a ‘soopytwist’.
Sean Bean ~ Sean Porn ~ The Hitcher ~ Rutger Hauer ~ Essex Boys ~ birthday ~ Casino Royale ~ Aston Martin ~ Chinese ~ Hong Kong ~ Stormy Monday ~ North Country ~ Sharpe ~ Lady Chatterley ~ Batman Begins ~ Doctor Who ~ David Tennant ~ Timo Maas ~ Jarvis Cocker ~ iPod ~ Sod’s Law ~ Faceless
Those bastards !
The Hitcher is supurb. Rutger Haur is well underrated if yer ask me. Ever seen Flesh and Blood with him n Jennifer Jason Leigh - wee bit porno but crackin movie.
me new blog is -
www.drunkpunk.wordpress.com by the way
Well....I don't condone movie piracy, but I would bet money you could torrent this sucker before I actually get my butt in the theater Friday. :P
But I hear ya, GF, just ain't no fun having a birthday w/o the Bean. I'll grieve with you. :((
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