Yeah, yeah, I know what yer thinking ~ that last one were of prawn dumplings… My apologies. Anyway, what I think he meant were girlie porn! So here we go, in the form of my updated list of lads as could join my fantasy corps of Royal Marines Commandos…. (cue the old "do yow 'ave the strength o' mind to bicoom a Royal Marines Commandoh...")
Left to right:
Sean Bean, Max Beesley, Ewan McGregor, Clive Owen, Christian Bale, Jason Isaacs, Robert Carlyle, Daniel Craig, Karl Urban, Hugh Jackman, Philip Glenister, Gerard Butler, Pierce Brosnan and Sean Pertwee…

If I’ve left anyone out, please let me know… Remember: they must be from the Commonwealth or the UK. And I’m looking fer actors, not their characters…
And no, I’m not worried about Daniel Craig being the new Bond ~ I’ll watch it first (December 21st, in Hong Kong) and then pass comment. Ok? And why get all upset about it anyway ~ as Slartibartfast once said: “Perhaps I’m old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what’s actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, ‘Hang the sense of it,’ and keep yourself busy. I’d much rather be happy than right any day.” I’m with him. I’m not really bothered about anything right now.
That’s pretty much it ~ peach and lube. Lots and lots of lube… *wink wink*
prawns ~ porn ~ RMC ~ Sean Porn ~ Sean Bean ~ Max Beesley ~ Ewan McGregor ~ Clive Owen ~ Christian Bale ~ Jason Isaacs ~ Robert Carlyle ~ Daniel Craig ~ Bond ~ Hugh Jackman ~ Karl Urban ~ Philip Glenister ~ Gerard Butler ~ Pierce Brosnan ~ Sean Pertwee ~ Slartibartfast ~ Douglas Adams
Caz says where's Sean Connery? I dunno. Scotland?
Ye gads! Forgot the *other* Sir Sean, LOL
Right, will add him to list, love, ta very much!
*face-palm* as my American friend would type...
Ah, and there I was hoping for a lovely HK sunset and sunrise.
Just curious-how does one "sex a prawn"? (and no, that's not dirrrty unless you are. LOL)
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