Someone suggested John Barrowman. Having never seen Torchwood and only ever one ‘new’ Doctor Who, I’ll have to leave him off fer now. No personal experience, you see? Apparently he was actually born in Scotland, so his application is not being denied ont grounds that he’s a Yank. He was just brought up over there, apparently. Time will tell if I can judge him worthy on roughness/’ardness/craftiness/suitability etc. and let him in int future.

But woah, woah, woah. Thanks to the magical picture collating temple that is Tinternet, I can kinda see the motivation behind his name being volunteered. But naw, still not quite ‘ard enough. Or is he?
And so to’t next stop ont evidence trawl: YouTube. This is me, having a quick squiz at some Doctor Who bollocks. This is me, caving faster than a Rich Tea biscuit in a hot cuppa tea (“fucking one-dips!”). He is terribly good in specs, int he? And he does have that Richard Hammond-esque thing about him. And he can be clever. And he was Casanova fert BBC (p.s.; still can’t find this in HK – all donations gratefully accepted). And the one categorical, undeniably favourable fact? He’s Scottish. And call me old-fashioned, but I refuse to believe he could be a complete wet blanket if he’s a Scot.

And so to Xmas. A pox on all those who sent me religious representations cunningly wrapped in white sheathes of stiff paper! How dare you send me material that is intrinsically offensive to my religion! I am an atheist, get over it! Stop with the ‘the Winter Festival belongs to God’ bollocks ~ it belonged to the conquering Romans. And that’s my final word.
Well, actually, no, this is:
Sean Connery ~ John Barrowman ~ Torchwood ~ Doctor Who ~ David Tennant ~ Richard Hammond ~ Casanova ~ BBC ~ Christmas ~ Royal Marines Commando
You don't know me, as far as I know... I'm in Hong Kong - if not for very much longer unless I can find work - and I've got a, uh, backup copy or two of the BBC Casanova lying around... Drop me a line and I'll get you a copy.
west lothian is the fucking pussy whipped english edition of scotland. Shame on you you northern tart. xxx
Ooh-eh, Richard, now yer talkin! Let me sort me life out enough to find yer mail address through the wonder of Blogger, and I'll be with you.
Ta very much!
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