Sunday 28 March 2010

We can has zombie nao?

Phew! If I said I weren’t in need of a neck and back massage right now I’d be a lying liar who lies - this LOLcap of Supernatural 5x15 is not only entirely spoilery but also 144 caps!

So you know the drill:
1. It’s a LOLcap, like the others I’ve done.
2. None of the people, characters, plots or owt belong to me. It’s all The God Who Is Eric Kripke’s, baby.
3. This episode contained GORE (YAY!), and yes, I’ve made sure to include it in the caps.
4. Your Mileage May Vary regarding the humour and/or motivations of characters herein. Please comment if you feel the need.
5. Most of the fangirl-flailing was caused by Ackle-eptic fits.

On with the show!

And that's pretty much it. Off to the shops I go, go complete phase one of my Easter pooter project.


Thursday 25 March 2010

2 shorts

Crikey blimey Charlie, I cannot believe how behind I am in catching up. Just a quickie (I know 4D likes it like that):

Title: “Voted Most Likely To Be Unpredictable 2010”

Rating: Rated K+. Wow!
SPOILERS for characters and episodes from season 5.
Drabble (100 words) concerning how season five COULD end. But won't. 
Posted first (as always) at

I do not own the TV show ‘Supernatural’ either in whole or in part, but I wish I could write episodes full time. Or get a life. Or both.

Title: “Downtime”

Rating: Rated T for Dean’s mouth.
With season five vanquished, three characters contemplate how they will spend season six. NO SPOILERS, just wishful thinking on my part. Cookies if you recognise the lyrics in which they're speaking by the sixth line.
Posted first (as always) at

I do not own the TV show ‘Supernatural’ either in whole or in part, but I wish I could write episodes full time. Or get a life. Or both.

Done. See you all later. :)

Tuesday 23 March 2010

This week in ramblings

So we’ve went to go and see The Hurt Locker last night. I have to say it was so much better than Shutter Island. There were a lot of reasons for this - first and foremost would be the idea that it was compelling. Next would be that I actually cared about the characters.

I was not at all put off by the gore, and the film was fascinating to watch. There were a few minutes where I felt I knew how much time had passed for the film, but overall it was a really good watch. I can see why it won the Oscar for Best Film, and as I haven’t seen Avatar I can’t say whether it’s a better film or not.

So that’s one good thing I’ve done this week. I’ve done a few other good things too, but unless you read Supernatural fan fiction you probably won’t appreciate them.

Little sister e-mailed me with an idea for a story a couple of weeks back, and I leapt on it like a half-starved leopard. I wrote a chapter or two in the same sitting, then send them to her by e-mail for very critical assessment. It’s been the most fun and the best way to get a story finished. It’s been an absolute blast and I’m actually sad that it’s all done. It’s kind of finished but I think it still needs some polishing. When it is finished and when it finally goes live on the Internet, have no doubt I shall be pimping it here too. It was supposed to be a run-of-the-mill, easy tale of the usual problems of keeping yourself alive while hunting various supernatural creatures. However, mulling it over (mull it, mull it, mullet), while making a cup of tea, I realised I was on the verge of coming out with one of those really odd split personality type William Burroughs tales. And that’s exactly what it turned into. I’m actually really happy about that because recently I’ve worried that everything I’ve done has been lacking flavour and personality. This latest effort - nearly 30,000 words in one week - has assured me that I’m just as twisted and perversely white and black as ever.

So Burn Notice has finished for the season but according to Jeffrey Donovan’s twitter feed, they are starting filming on season four right now. Excellent news - after watching all of season one within about three weeks, I was worried that we wouldn’t get any more seasons. That really pissed me off until obviously they were renewed for season two and three and now four. I just hope season four is as ace as the previous three series have been.

Supernatural is back this Friday (well, Thursday for the USA, but Friday in my time zone) and we can’t wait. It’s odd - I was really really hoping that season five would be the end of Supernatural. Not because I don’t like the show but because I love it. I was really worried that if we did get a season six it wouldn’t be as good as the previous five series. Now that season six has been confirmed, I’m a little worried that it could go all LOST bollocks where it just goes on and on and on and on with no end in sight. I’m also a little worried about the Russell T Davies factor. I trust the God who is Eric Kripke not to screw us over with the season five finale like Russell T Davies did to us for David Tennant’s Doctor bloody Who finale. However, I’m not sure that the new production team that takes over for season six is a good idea. I know that Eric Kripke will still be overseeing much of what goes on but from what I hear he will not be as hands-on as he was for the first five series. This is a little bit worrying to me, as when the creative force behind the show slips further into the background, it paves the way for all kinds of jumping-the-shark bollocks to go on (but as the great prophet Chuck Shurley once said - “it’s not really jumping the shark if you never come down”). Not that I’m saying that this is what will happen, but it’s one of my fears. Also, how do you write the arc and complete season six without the guy’s input? After all, he did say that his idea had a five season arc, and then it will be done and dusted. Would it not be better to finish on a high at the end of season five, and then perhaps negotiate some kind of movie deal? I for one would love to see really big Sam and really huge Dean on the big screen. But then, would anyone else who doesn’t watch the series really be interested?

This was supposed to be a really short post, but you know how I get when I start talking. Yes, I did say talking. I’m using MacSpeech Dictate at the moment as I have really painful RSI in my right wrist and my left hand is developing nerve problems from clicking the godsdamn mouse too many fucking times. This is not helped by Twitter parties doing Supernatural re-watches, Thursday morning Farscape re-watches via AIM, or doing the latest load of LOLcaps. For those of you lucky enough to have escaped my previous LOLcaps, I probably should explain that this means doing a Supernatural episode recap, in pictures that use lolcat speech. Very childish but highly amusing. I am working on one as we speak, following our latest Twitter party that comprised of a Supernatural Shapeshifter Sunday marathon - namely, watching the episodes Skin, Nightshifter, and Monster Movie back to back. A very good time was had by all and we will be doing more very soon - but more on that later.

And that’s pretty much everything I have two bang on about. I’m going to leave it here before MacSpeech gets annoyed with me rambling about shite.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Shutter Island

So we’ve gone to see the new Leonardo DiCaprio movie last night. In the grand tradition that I started on this blog way back in the mists of time, I shall attempt to sum the entire film up in three words.


First of all let’s talk about music. Big blaring horns that sound like something that’s been stolen from The Shining do not a creepy atmosphere make. I found it actually quite funny in places where I’m sure I wasn’t meant to. The bloody huge build-up of raucously loud music assaulting my ears made me wonder if this was in fact a spoof, where the music is deliberately misleading you. For some reason as the movie went on I found myself wishing more more and more that I was in fact watching The Shining and not this film. But more on that later. Certainly not misplaced, though, were Mark Ruffalo and Sir Ben Kingsley, who both did an excellent job, as did Emily Mortimer. Leonardo DiCaprio is not my favourite actor by any stretch of the imagination and in fact at first I was prepared to ignore him in this film and just enjoy the rest of it. However, he did do a very sound job - even if his entire script consisted of one hundred and one different ways to cry and greet at the camera. And he looked to be channelling Jack Nicholson for some of the scenes where he talks to Sir Ben.


I’ve heard from my friends that I was sat with that the ending seemed to be some kind of twist. Funny that - one hour into the movie I realised where it was going and I wanted them to fucking well hurry up and get there. But more on that later. This ‘twist’ that came was not exactly a twist at all. In fact I was waiting for the actual twist - which would have been Sir Ben turning out to be the patient putting orderlies and prison guards through the same kind of twisted role-playing mind games that he said he was putting Leonardo DiCaprio through. It did not come. I was disappointed with the ending.


How bloody long was that film? It felt like about four weeks! I like a good film and I like it to take its time and build up slowly, but that was kind of taking the piss. Little wonder that my friend sat next to me fell asleep halfway through (okay, in her defence it was a late-night showing and she actually does have a full day). I have to say I was disappointed that it took them so very long to get to what for me was an obvious ending. Maybe I just assumed certain things without having seen any trailers, write-ups or reviews before I went into the cinema. I certainly did not realise it was made by Martin Scorsese until I saw his name on the film.

All in all then, not the most successful Monday Movie Night. This comes hot on the heels of last Monday’s meeting which involved a visually stunning but substance-lacking version of Alice in Wonderland. Perhaps next Monday’s movie, The Hurt Locker, will be much better. Well I bloody well hope so, seeing as it’s just won the Oscar for Best Movie.

And that’s the much it. I told you I would be back soon and I am, even if I am moaning about a film that many people have worked very hard on and were very proud of. I’m sure many people will enjoy this film and they will love how it all finally plays out, so perhaps it’s best that you ignore me and my boredom with live entertainment in general these days. Perhaps I’ve been spoiled by Farscape, but I’m sorry I saw that ending coming a mile off and was bored until it finally arrived. That said, I did like the style of editing.

There we go. Job done. Soopytwist (no-one gets peach and lube today, sorry).

~ ~

Sunday 14 March 2010

2fer fic catch-up

It’s come to my attention that I’ve been remiss in pimping my shite to the masses. So this is a catch-up post. Not that I need readers or owt…

Title: “Uisge Beatha”

Rating: Rated T for language and the ill-advised use of a puddle.
Tag to end of 5x14, so yeah, SPOILERS.
Dean needs a moment. Castiel thinks he should be in it.
Posted first (as always) at

I do not own the TV show ‘Supernatural’ either in whole or in part, but I wish I could write episodes full time. Or get a life. Or both.

And then there was the pure unadulterated crack!fun of this little personal favourite:

Title: “Amen To That!”

Rating: Rated T for language, F for farce and O for oh no you didn’t.
“It’s the best thing ever! Like, ever!” Becky wibbled down the phone. “You know you said you wanted a way to get more of your books sold cos you needed the money?”
“Oh no,” Chuck groaned. “What have you done now?”
"I set up a meeting between you and the execs over at Fox. They want to make a TV series of your books!”

Takes place between 5x09 and 5x10. No spoilers for anything after 5x09.
Cookies for spotting any other TV or SPN references.
Posted first (as always) at

I do not own the TV show ‘Supernatural’ either in whole or in part, but I wish I could write episodes full time. Or get a life. Or both.
This fic is proudly (not) sponsored by Stolichnaya (a Government of Russia and Soyuzplodimport product): inspiring crack-like fic since the bottle was first opened.
Drink responsibly.
Read as irresponsibly as possible.


And that looks like it. Nearly 2 int afternoon - time for a fresh cuppa tea and perhaps even some telly!



Sunday 7 March 2010


I am still here, contrary to popular belief. I've just been swamped recently. Expect a few pisht posts while life gets back to normal.